03-06 November, 2017 

4 Days Intensive Aerial Yoga Teacher Training 

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For experienced yogis, aerial yoga will add a new dimension to complement your existing practice on the ground. For those with little or no yoga experience, aerial yoga is a great place to start. 

Join us to become an Aerial yoga Instructor

 Here are Some Health Benefits of Aerial Yoga:

  • Total body workout: Due to the nature of aerial yoga movements, almost all the body parts are forced to move and stretch. Muscles are toned and redefined, and joints are regenerated and strengthened due to these movements.
  • Psychologically beneficial: Just like almost any other workout, aerial yoga helps rebuild your emotional system because it clears the mind and relieves stress due to its meditative state. It also helps you combat stress throughout the day and increases your creativity, which leads you to develop your own artistic skills.
  • Improves flexibility: Aerial yoga helps you to move more freely, with less effort, by counteracting gravity. Suspension in the air releases tension on the bones and muscles, increasing flexibility and deepening your practice. Suspended yoga strengthens core muscles and increases spinal and shoulder flexibility.
  • Heals back problems: It gives you the chance to hang freely, allowing your spine to lengthen. With less strain on your back while doing the exercises, it eases tension in the spinal cord and hip joint, helping you feel better.
  • Increases strength: Aerial yoga improves strength and flexibility, which carries over into other daily activities. The core workout is a beneficial cross-training, as it helps runners increase stamina and be able recover faster.
  • Puts you in a great mood: Another key benefit of doing aerial yoga is that it gets your adrenaline going while going against gravity. It also releases “happy” hormones like serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine, which boost your mood and help you feel more energetic.
  • Improves balance: While going against gravity can be exciting, aerial yoga also helps with balance and stability in daily activities. Balance is a key component in daily activities, and aerial yoga helps maintain a good balance both inside and out.
  • Aids digestion: The different types of stretches and movements help improve the digestive system, thus helping in healing various digestion-related issues, including constipation and indigestion.
  • Old age and heart disease: Aerial yoga improves the circulation of blood, thus combating aging and its symptoms. Aerial yoga also helps detoxify the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which lowers the onset of various cardiovascular issues.
  • Improves memory: Aerial yoga fortifies your neural connections, thereby, rendering better memory power. In a way, practicing aerial yoga can make you smarter!

[ Course Syllabus] 

Day 1 

  1. Intro of Aerial Yoga, Pranayama technique
  2. Precautions
  3. Hammock kit Installation
  4. Preparatory Steps and warm up 
  5. How to guide a pose and correction
  6. Aeriel Poses:30 

Day 2 

  1. How Aerial pose help to alignment spine and improve spinal problem
  2. How to ease shoulder pain, neck pain and relaxes the upper body muscle 
  3. Aerial Poses: 30

Day 3

  1. Core Muscle strength in aerial yoga
  2. How to establish flexibility and stability
  3. How Aerial Yoga poses to complement your existing practice on the ground
  4. Aerial Poses:40

 Day 4

  1. Lesson Planning and Teaching
  2. Special need 
  3. Tips of good lesson plan
  4. To plan a aerial yoga lesson plan
  5. Practical Teaching test

[Fee] RM1800

After filled up Registration form :RM500 Direct Transfer to OCBC 1751001307 PEACE STUDIO

 The outstanding amount shall pay with credit card or cash on Day 1


  • Friday:08:30am~01:30pm (5hr)  01:30 ~ 05:30pm (4 hr)
  • Saturday:08:30am~01:30pm (5hr)  01:30 ~ 05:30pm (4 hr)
  • Sunday:08:30am~01:30pm (5hr)  01:30 ~ 05:30pm (4 hr)
  • Monday:08:30am~01:30pm (5hr)  01:30 ~ 05:30pm (4 hr)













  • 增强肌肉力量,尤其是上半身和中心部位的肌肉力量
  • 通过等长肌肉收缩来强健肌肉
  • 通过瑜伽吊床来支撑部分身体重量
  • 通过瑜伽吊床的额外支撑来更长时间地保持瑜伽姿势
  • 通过使用瑜伽吊床来改善平衡,吊床可随意移动
  • 提升身体在全新元素——空气中的意识
  • 吊床瑜伽的支撑,令脊柱在大多数姿势中能正确对齐
  • 改善体态
  • 在不给脊柱或颈部带来压力和紧张的前提下联系倒立姿势,如手倒立
  • 在倒立训练中增进大脑血流量及供氧,刺激脑下垂体
  • 提升身体,尤其是髋关节、脊柱和肩部的柔韧性和关节灵活性
  • 增强握力



Day 1

  1. 空中瑜伽简介,掌握呼吸技巧,探寻呼吸法与空中瑜伽的内在联系
  2. 空中瑜伽安全注意事项
  3. 空中瑜伽吊床正确的安装方法
  4. 空中瑜伽热身动作及准备动作讲解
  5. 指导动作技巧及纠正方法
  6. 体式练习:30 个

Day 2

  1. 利用悬吊和反重力技巧改善脊柱问题,结合传统瑜伽体式,实现理疗牵引,让身体得到更好的疗愈
  2. 掌握正确的运用背部肌肉的方法,解决圆肩、高低肩、上   背疼痛等问题。
  3. 体式练习:30 个

Day 3

  1. 空中瑜伽核心肌群快速启动
  2. 通过吊床更进一步提升关节的    稳定性和灵活性
  3. 利用空中瑜伽吊床实现无法在地面完成的瑜伽体式,纠正错误的练习习惯.
  4. 体式练习:40个

Day 4

  1. 锻炼教练的教学实践和课程编排能力
  2. 学习针对性的空中瑜伽课程
  3. 如何让你的空中瑜伽课程更有特色和趣味
  4. 空中瑜伽课程编排
  5. 考核


  1. 有瑜伽练习经验者为佳
  2. 从事舞蹈、表演、运动员等相关职业需要自我提升的人员
  3. 课程结束后经过考核将颁发相应资质认证证书



填好表格后将 RM500 Direct Transfer to OCBC 1751001307 PEACE STUDIO




  • 星期五:08:30am~01:30pm (5小時)  01:30 ~ 05:30pm (4 小时)
  • 星期六:08:30am~01:30pm (5小時)  01:30 ~ 05:30pm (4 小时)
  • 星期日:08:30am~01:30pm (5小時)  01:30 ~ 05:30pm (4 小时)
  • 星期一:08:30am~01:30pm (5小時)  01:30 ~ 05:30pm (4 小时)


Peace Sutera Utama : 113B Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/2 Taman Sutera Utama 81300 Skudai Johor

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